NextGen Precision Health Endowed Professor of Medicine and Nutrition & Exercise Physiology, School of Medicine and College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
Senior Associate Dean for Research, School of Medicine
Director, NextGen Clinical and Translational Science Unit
NextGen Focus Area: Metabolic kinetics (amino acids, glucose, lipids), insulin sensitivity, beta-cell function, obesity, diabetes, aging, lifestyle (diet and physical activity)
Overnutrition and an inactive lifestyle contribute to many of the biggest public health challenges of the 21st century, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and sarcopenia. Dr. Mittendorfer’s research aims to understand the physiological mechanisms involved in driving cardiometabolic diseases and how they can be prevented or reversed by specific lifestyle interventions.
Magkos F, Reeds DN, Mittendorfer B. Evolution of the diagnostic value of “the sugar of the blood”: hitting the sweet spot to identify alterations in glucose dynamics. Physiol Rev. 2023 Jan 1;103(1):7–30.
Smith GI, Julliand S, Reeds DN, Sinacore DR, Klein S, Mittendorfer B. Fish oil-derived n-3 PUFA therapy increases muscle mass and function in healthy older adults. Am J Clin Nutr. 2015 Jul;102(1):115–22.
Smith GI, Yoshino J, Kelly SC, Reeds DN, Okunade A, Patterson BW, et al. High-Protein Intake during Weight Loss Therapy Eliminates the Weight-Loss-Induced Improvement in Insulin Action in Obese Postmenopausal Women. Cell Rep. 2016 Oct 11;17(3):849–61.
van Vliet S, Koh HCE, Patterson BW, Yoshino M, LaForest R, Gropler RJ, et al. Obesity Is Associated With Increased Basal and Postprandial β-Cell Insulin Secretion Even in the Absence of Insulin Resistance. Diabetes. 2020 Oct;69(10):2112–9.
Koh HCE, van Vliet S, Pietka TA, Meyer GA, Razani B, Laforest R, et al. Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue Metabolic Function and Insulin Sensitivity in People With Obesity. Diabetes. 2021 Oct;70(10):2225–36.
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Email: b.mittendorfer@missouri.edu
Department website: https://medicine.missouri.edu/faculty/bettina-mittendorfer-phd