Curators' Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Engineering
NextGen Focus Area: Data Science
Kannappan Palaniappan does groundbreaking work in computational video analytics, including computer vision, deep learning, remote sensing, data visualization, high-performance computing and biomedical imaging. He led a team that developed a top-ranked deep learning network to identify, segment and track the lineage of cells in microscopy videos. At NextGen, he helps interpret diagnostic information from medical images and scans. Dr. Palaniappan also has worked with the National Institutes of Health and Oxford University to develop a two-stage, deep learning architecture to diagnose malaria more accurately and effectively, as well as a computer-assisted system for tuberculosis diagnosis using chest X-ray clinical radiology images.
Precision Health Impact:
- Development of computational video analytics for biomedical imaging diagnostics.
- Asante E, Hummel D, Gurung S, Kassim YM, Al-Shakarji N, Palaniappan K, et al. Defective Neuronal Positioning Correlates With Aberrant Motor Circuit Function in Zebrafish. Front Neural Circuits. 2021;15:690475.
- Toubal IE, Al-Shakarji NM, Cornelison D, Palaniappan K. Ensemble deep learning detection fusion for cell tracking, mitosis and lineage. IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology. 2023; [NOT YET PUBLISHED].
- Guidoboni G, Marazzi NM, Fraser J, Sacco R, Palaniappan K, Huxley VH. Fluid and protein exchange in microvascular networks: Importance of modelling heterogeneity in geometrical and biophysical properties. J Physiol. 2021 Oct;599(20):4597–624.
- Wang YY, Hamad AS, Palaniappan K, Lever TE, Bunyak F. LARNet-STC: Spatio-temporal orthogonal region selection network for laryngeal closure detection in endoscopy videos. Comput Biol Med. 2022 May;144:105339.
- Maška M, Ulman V, Delgado-Rodriguez P, Gómez-de-Mariscal E, Nečasová T, Guerrero Peña FA, et al. The Cell Tracking Challenge: 10 years of objective benchmarking. Nat Methods [Internet]. 2023 May 18; Available from:
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