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Interdisciplinary Reproduction & Health Group Science Seminar – August 21, 2024

The goal of the Interdisciplinary Reproduction & Health Group (IRHG) Seminar Series is to highlight transdisciplinary precision research taking place in the reproductive health field, provide opportunities for collaboration among researchers to build their own research efforts and promote clinical/researcher activity across the University of Missouri System and our partners.

The IRHG was organized and established through a faculty-driven, grass roots effort in 2016 to develop an integrative interdisciplinary program that transcends traditional departmental, college and system boundaries to foster excellence in reproduction, health research and education at Mizzou.

View all upcoming Reproductive Health events on the IRHG Seminar Series website.

For questions about this event, please reach out to Wipawee Winuthayanon.


"Understanding the Role and Regulation of the Progesterone Receptor in Pregnancy"

Speaker: Francesco Demayo, Ph.D., Senior Investigator, Reproductive and Developmental Biology Laboratory / Pregnancy and Female Reproduction Group, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)

Date: August 21, 2024, 4-5 p.m.

Location: Roy Blunt NextGen Precision Health Building, Atkins Family Seminar Room

In-person and virtual option

  • Light snack will be provided in person. All are welcome!
  • Attend virtually in Zoom with ID 969 5309 4849 and passcode 422673. 


About the Speaker

Dr. Francesco Demayo PortraitUnderstanding the molecular mechanisms regulating normal physiology and disease development in the uterus and lung is critical in understanding causes and treatments for reproductive and pulmonary disorders. In the investigation of the regulation of reproductive biology we have focused on major regulators of female reproductive tract homeostasis, the ovarian steroids progesterone and estrogen. Utilizing genetically engineered mouse models, high content transcriptomic and cistromic analysis along with primary human samples we have sought to understand the factors that: Regulate the preparation of the uterus for embryo implantation;. Allow the uterus to support embryo invasion and fetal growth and allow the uterus to deliver the fetus at the appropriate time during pregnancy. Towards these goals we have identified the paracrine signaling pathways that regulate uterine epithelial-stroma crosstalk in controlling uterine epithelial cell proliferation and receptivity for embryo attachment. We have identified the role of nuclear receptors and transcription factors governing differentiation of human endometrial stroma cells during pregnancy and have begun identifying the role of progesterone in the regulation of myometrial function. In the process we have generate several models for infertility and endometrial cancer. Our investigation of pulmonary biology have recently focused on understanding the molecular events regulating the progression and metastasis of lung cancer. In the process we have created several genetically engineered mouse models for the various types of lung cancer. The goal of establishing these in vivo models will serve as biosensors to understand how the environment interacts with specific molecular pathways in modulating normal physiology and disease development.

Francesco J. DeMayo is Senior Principal Investigator and Chief of the Reproduction and Developmental Biology Laboratory. He received his B.S. in General Studies at Cornell University and his M.S. and Ph.D in Physiology at Michigan State University. He continued his postdoctoral training at Baylor College of Medicine where rose to the rank of Cullen-Duncan-McAshan Endowed Chair in Cancer Research, and Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology and Pediatrics. During his tenure at Baylor College of Medicine he has received the Michael E DeBakey Research Award and the Society for the Study of Reproduction Research Award.