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NextGen Precision Health & Ellis Fischel Cancer Center Science Seminar – Jan. 16, 2025

The goal of the NextGen Precision Health & Ellis Fischel Cancer Center Science Seminar is to highlight transdisciplinary precision research taking place in the cancer field, provide opportunities for collaboration among researchers to build their own research efforts and promote clinical/researcher activity across the University of Missouri System and our partners.

For questions about this event, please reach out to Veronica Lemme.

Antibody Imaging in Cancer Biology and Therapy Monitoring

Speaker: Patricia Ribeiro Pereira, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Radiology, Division of Radiological Sciences, Siteman Cancer Center, Washington University-St. Louis

Date: Jan. 16, 2025, 4:30-5:30 p.m.

Location: Roy Blunt NextGen Precision Health Building, Atkins Family Seminar Room

*Zoom option available

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This presentation will show our studies at the intersection of tumor-targeting antibodies/small molecules and positron emission tomography (PET) to study dynamic changes in cancer and therapeutic responses. The key points include:

  • Multi- and single-targeting of receptor tyrosine kinase dynamics in responders versus non-responders.
  • Interactions of antibody therapeutics with tumors and the tumor microenvironment,  particularly under the modulation of cell surface receptor density.
  • Repurpose over-the-counter medicines in cancer therapy.

Additionally, this presentation will show the potential of modulating tumor biology to enhance the efficacy of theranostics or antibody-drug conjugates. The presentation will further show our approaches on PET to optimize and refine therapies in vivo.

About the SpeakerPatricia Ribeiro Pereira

Dr. Patricia Pereira, Ph.D., is an assistant professor in the Department of Radiology at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis since 2021. She leads the Disease Imaging and Therapy Lab. She is a faculty member in Biomedical Engineering and the Division of Biology and Biomedical Sciences, CCSG member of the Siteman Cancer Center and board director for the Center for Molecular Imaging Innovation and Translation. In addition to her academic roles, Dr. Pereira is the program director for the Leah Menshouse Springer Summer Opportunities Program at the Siteman Cancer Center. With over 50 publications, including papers, books, book chapters and reviews, Dr. Pereira focuses on cancer therapy and imaging. She participates in grant review panels for the National Institutes of Health and the National Cancer Institute, and she is a member of the editorial board for Molecular Imaging and Biology journal. Dr. Pereira's research explores tumor-targeted multimodal imaging techniques and the regulation of membrane receptors in tumors and their microenvironment. Her work, addressing drug resistance at both basic and clinical levels, is supported by the National Institutes of Health, the Siteman Cancer Center and philanthropic organizations.