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NextGen Precision Health Neuroscience Seminar – Jan. 29, 2024

The goal of the NextGen Precision Health Neuroscience Science Seminar is to highlight transdisciplinary precision research taking place in the field, provide opportunities for collaboration among researchers to build their own research efforts and promote clinical/researcher activity across the University of Missouri System and our partners.

For questions about this event, please reach out to Veronica Lemme at

"How Animals in the Wild Overcome a Brain Energy Crisis: Lessons From the Field to the Clinic"

Presented by: Joseph Santin, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences, College of Ars & Science, University of Missouri

Date: Jan. 29, 2024, 4-5 p.m.

Location: Acuff Auditorium, MA217 Medical Science Building

*Zoom option available

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The Santin Lab answers both applied and fundamental questions about how the nervous system helps animals survive in their environments. We focus most of our efforts on animals that experience challenges to the nervous system that tend to be big problems in many human diseases. This seminar will focus on how the brain may have a “hidden” ability to overcome impaired oxygen and glucose transport. By learning from animals that already evolved solutions to get around these problems, we increase our chances of finding new and creative solutions to major human health issues.

Speaker Bio

Dr. Santin received his Ph.D. from Wright State University in biomedical sciences, performed postdoctoral Joseph Santinresearch at Mizzou and started as an assistant professor at UNC-Greensboro in 2019. He was recruited through the MizzouForward initiative and started his lab here in 2022. Since becoming an assistant professor in 2019, he has won three federal grants from the NIH and Department of Defense, including an NIH R01. With his postdocs, graduate students and undergrads, he has published 17 papers in excellent peer-reviewed journals.